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#+-| CTOD() |--------------------------------------------------+##############
#| +--------+ Converts from a character string to a date value |##############
#+--| Summary |--------------+################################################
#|     #INCLUDE date.hdr     |################################################
#+--| Syntax |-----------------------------+##################################
#|     FUNCTION DATE ctod PROTOTYPE        |##################################
#|      PARAMETERS VALUE DATE date_str     |##################################
########+---| Description |-------------------------------------------+#######
########| The ctod() function converts a character string into a date |#######
########| value.  ctod() interprets the date_str string according to  |#######
########| the current value of SET DATE TO <Date-type>.               |#######
########| see DATE TYPE TABLE in COMMANDS under SET DATE.             |#######
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Replace date field with specific date.              |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| REPLACE cust->date WITH ctod( "01/01/89" )               |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    How many transactions on July 4th?                  |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| COUNT ALL FOR t->date = ctod( "07/04/89" ) ;             |#########
#########|  TO count_total                                          |#########

See Also: cdow() cmonth() day() days_btw_dates() days_from()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson